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    Sunday, May 15, 2011

    hollow bin

    Blogger why were you down for so long :(

    I really really wish I didn't have to speak, or listen, or see. I just wish I could touch everyone like sunlight and they would understand. Recently I have been so troubled and burdened. Maybe I'm just overwhelmed by the astonishing amount of work I have to do. And how I'm at the bottom of my class. I've been wanting to write out all my thoughts for the longest time

    I'm really struggling, I'm not even kidding

    I try too hard sometimes hahahahaha

    on a lighter note, i really need to sell my clothes soon. I need to sell all my printed clothes because i really don't wear them anymore- not that i don't like them....but they're just taking up too much space in my bursting wardrobe and i have got to make way for more blacks/nudes/grays. Oh not forgetting the massive number of AC shirts i have to squeeze in

    I'm so tired of life

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Hey BBG, I think you look really good in these pictures! What camera do you use?:D