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    Wednesday, December 29, 2010

    the mole on ur left cheek
    your dimples
    your ocd
    your 10mm plugs
    your shoelace eyes everytime you smile
    your 2 lip studs
    your million pairs of jeans that look the same but actually they're different
    exploring zara kids with you
    skipping trains with you
    watching you eat satay at gardens
    sitting at the playground with you
    cursing and swearing at the old man at the playground with you
    your vulgarities
    fang gou pi
    can be more
    expanding your new era caps (all seven of them)
    your smell (atas perfume right hahaha)
    your justin bieber hair
    how you stand EXACTLY on the footprints marked out on the escalator
    how you arrange your trays before you start eating
    how you arrange your rubbish after you finish eating
    the folder "For morons" which i subsequently changed to "For steph" on your iphone
    how i made you download veggie samurai and fruit ninja
    the playlist on your ipod (which is gone now you little fucker)
    your buddha beads HAHAHA
    your fossil wallet
    your 2 baggu bags
    how aunties never fail to say "ni hen mei!" everytime i go out with you till i don't know whether to feel flattered or insulted
    how you fell off the chair at parkway (PAH games)
    hesher haahahaha
    happy lemon drinks muahahhaa
    how we all collaborated to surprise you on your birthday
    how i kept laughing to myself in the car at you while you were being tied up by us (and had NO IDEA) hahaha
    how i read your letters over and over again
    how we whatsapped and bbmed each other when you were in australia
    your old laptop where the volume was like touch screen and i had to touch it but everytime i touched it the volume would neither rise or lower and you'd keep saying "oh my god you're not human"
    your tiny hands
    your tiny feet
    your bursting wardrobe (how dare you tell me you only wear 40% of the clothes in ur wardrobe)
    your cap head
    how you wax your hair like mad when you don't wear any caps
    your signature black vans
    the red/navy vans you wear when you decide not to wear your black vans
    sneaking in to my house
    my sister going "lesbians" and walking off HAHAHHAHA
    how we can talk all night long and never get bored
    brush teeth on the phone
    "ok ok sleep in 5 minutes!" And we end up talking for another 2 hours
    your camel long eyelashes
    your eyebrows which till this date are unthreaded!!!!!
    the exact same genre we listen to
    the way you look when you're angry (like a pokemon about to evolve)
    your sharp features
    your skin on my skin
    how you keep wanting to change your twitter name to something more mature but you end up changing it back
    how i trust you with everything
    how i tell you everything
    your huge hugs
    how we are the same height (good for you right)
    how you're so afraid of your sister
    your clean room
    watching you watch me while i study
    how you always get new dp when you're out w my friends and i
    sErAnAdInG oN dA pHoNe To YoUuUuU
    how you always end up drinking green tea at macs thx to me
    your signature mcspicy plain with cheese
    how you hate coke and will not drink coke
    how you hate chewing/bubble gum
    how you hate mess
    how you hate ants
    how you hate banglas
    how you hate doughnuts (glazed doughnuts included)
    how you hate bananas because firstly they look like dicks and secondly they taste like shit
    how i keep insulting _ ahahahahaha u would know who this is
    how we were always there for each other
    first day of my life
    naked as we came
    simple, starving to be safe
    calender girl
    the girl
    the only exception
    "i love the flowersssssssss i love the daffodils i love the mountains i love the green hills"


    i miss you so much


    Anonymous said...

    aw :') are things fine between both of you now?

    Stephanie said...

    nope :'(

    Fitri said...

    This post made me sad

    Anonymous said...

    if there is anything i could wish for it is for you two to be alright and happy again.


    jiayi said...

    best post on modernism101, period. cheer up bb <3

    Claire said...

    AWW steph u damn sweet <3
    "the way you look when you're angry (like a pokemon about to evolve)"

    Anonymous said...

    Hey, I am checking this blog using the phone and this appears to be kind of odd. Thought you'd wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless, did not mess that up.

    - David