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    Monday, August 15, 2011

    life is sweet

    stay young go dancing

    i love death cab so much
    their songs give me so much hope
    i'll pull through
    like how i did last year

    collected my o level cert today
    felt a tinge of nostalgia as i walked through the hallowed hallways of plmgs haha
    read through my testimonial and i was quite surprised ms oh didn't write just one sentence for me

    "as a pupil in class she was independent and conscientious and put in effort to achieve her personal best. She had a proficient command of English and was able to put forth her views confidently. She required minimal supervision and sought clarification when necessary"
    (of course this isn't my whole testimonial)

    i think everything's exaggeration except the english bit HAHA

    off to study! gotta start earning the respect of everyone again

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